Shooting for Heros Charity Shoot

Shooting for HEROs flyer

4th Annual Shoot from the Heart Event

Team Sporting Clay Event

Join us for a fun day of sporting clays. $200 for 100 targets benefiting the American Heart Association. Beginners and sharp shooters are welcome. All participants will receive a round on the 14 station course, shells & a meal following the shoot. Participants will need to provide their own eye protection (shooting or glasses). Ear protection & gun rental are available upon pre-registration. All proceeds support the American Heart Association Heart Walk.

Event DetailsAmerican Heart Assoc Charity Shoot

  • Sporting Clays and 15 Stations
  • $200 for 100 targets, shells, cart service & catered meal
  • Beginners and Sharp Shooters are welcome!
  • Individual Registration must be received by Friday, April 22nd: $200
  • All participants will receive shells and meal
  • If you are an individual shooter we will assign you to a team
  • Early registration & payment is highly encouraged as there are only 150 shooting spots available
  • Online payment is available upon request


Event Contact: Michelle Catlett Email: Phone: (319) 378-1763 or Ryan Giannini, Email:, Phone: (319) 648-5065

7th Annual Hawkeye Wrestling Club Shoot

Helping the Hawks Go!

Set your sights on having a good time and contributing to a good cause at the 7th Annual HWC Shoot, to be held October 3, 2015, at Highland Hideaway Hunt Club near Riverside, Iowa. Featuring Tom Brands, Terry Brands, Daniel Dennis, Matt McDonough, Tony Ramos, Brent Metcalf & Bobby Telford

The cost is $200 per shooter. You’ll receive 100 shells to shoot 100 clay targets on a variety of stations. There also will be meal, door prizes, and flight prizes.  All proceeds benefit the Hawkeye Wrestling Club.


When: Saturday, October 3rd 2015Hawkeye Wrestling Charity Shoot

Where: Highland Hideaway Hunt Club (Riverside, IA)

Cost: $800 per team / $200 per Individual

Schedule of Events

Registration/Breakfast       8:30-9:30am
Safety Meeting                     9:30-9:45am
Shoot the Course               10:00am-12:00pm
Lunch                                   12:00-1:00pm

For more details, call 319-331-8582.


Register for this event online