ALL SHOOTERS ARE WELCOME! this is a registered sporting clays shoot, both hunter class and registered shooters are welcome. Shoot starts 9:00am Ends 3:00pm Register by clicking here
ALL SHOOTERS ARE WELCOME! this is a registered sporting clays shoot, both hunter class and registered shooters are welcome. Shoot starts 9:00am Ends 3:00pm Register by clicking here
This will be a registered shoot on both Saturday and Sunday May 28th and 29th. All shooters are welcome from Hunter Class to Registered NSCA Shooters. 9am -3 pm each day We will have a great lunch during each day available from 11:00-1:00 This shoot is available for any SCTP shooters. Click the below […]
THE SPORTING CLAYS RANGE WILL BE OPENT TO THE PUBLIC TODAY FROM 3:00PM-8:30 --We will also have BBQ Pulled Pork, House Fries, and Dessert tonight for $10.00 a plate. Feel free to bring you own refreshments, we will have iced water available. —
Highland Hunting will be closed to the public during this time due to a private event taking place.
Highland Hunting will be closed to the public during this time due to a private event taking place.